Monday, March 23, 2009


Today was a day meant to wrap up loose ends. We got pictures of things that we hadn't gotten pictures of, and made a few calls and started packing things up. I don't know HOW we got all of these things here in 2 small suitcases!! It will definitely be a challenge getting it all back in there. I have groceries and odds and ends that we didn't use to give to my cousin. Just lots of loose ends. We are soooo ready to get back home to Rocky and the boys that we can't stand it!! We actually considered trying to get home a day earlier, but thinking that that isn't going to be possible. I suppose, we have waited 6 weeks, so we can probably hold on one more day! It will just crawl on, knowing that we have no auditions to look forward to. This will be our last post until the next time we come to LA. We are discussing that now. His manager is going to have us put his auditions on tape in Dallas and email them to LA as often as possible, but they assured us that we needed to look into a frequent flyer program of some sort because they will have things for him and NEED him back out here if at all possible. They explained that with his voice and his face, he will be busy in the future. This pilot season was VERY SUCCESSFUL for Keeton. We have all the brick work laid out now with an awesome team of agents and managers and an acting coach that were very impressed by him. Patrick Malone (actor/coach) was very excited to see what the future holds for Keeton and shared his thoughts on him with his managers. We know that when we get home we will look into some hip hop style dance classes, just to get him more comfortable with that and that will make him a little more well rounded. We have had a wonderful time and have really gotten our feet wet out here. We will go back to Dallas and hit those auditions hard, with a different outlook on how to audition. His, "out of the box," thinking will really come in handy in all tapings and auditions. We want to thank any and all of you who have cared so much and supported Keeton through Pilot season and this adventure. We couldn't have done it without your phone calls, prayers, texts, IM's and comments!!! We realized how blessed we are to have such amazing people in our lives. Thank you all for everything!!! XOXOXO

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