Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dance, Dance, Dance...

Today we got up with one thing on our minds..DANCE! Just in case Keeton was able to win over the Kids Bop casting agent with his voice and dancing, we will find out tomorrow and he will have a 2nd audition on Tuesday. They will want to see him sing a 1 minute song and do a one minute dance. We have a few things going on tomorrow, and Lord only knows what else, so we didn't want to wait until we knew for certain, to start preparing something for his dance routine. It was a group effort by his Vocal teacher, Kathy Stephens, thank God for you always come through for us, and Rocky a wonderful husband and father and Candy a dear friend for sending us all the things that we needed, that we should have brought with us in the first place!..Thank you all so much!!! We will let you know if what he did was good enough to spark their interest. In the least, dancing with me in our apartment has gotten his interest enough to take a little hip hop dancing class when we get back home, just for such cases, so that he has a few moves in his back pocket for the future and doesn't feel so awkward and out of place. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Love to you all!

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