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Well, today, we got up early and started Keet's schoolwork and LO AND BEHOLD...a call came in from his management company!!! He had a commercial audition in Santa Monica at 4:25 for Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches! We were so excited that something finally came in. This audition was a little different than most. He was paired up with a Mom, Dad and sister and they set "the stage" as much as possible which is not how it usually goes. Keeton would be playing a son in a minivan with Mom driving and dad in the passenger seat. The van starts to sputter and begins to break down and finally gives in. They had sound effects to really make everyone feel the part. Keeton was even wearing headphones! Usually you just pretend about everything. There are also "thugs" that the family is supposed to be afraid of. Anyway, Mom is wondering what to do and Keeton says, "What are we going to do now?" Then Mom picks up her cell phone and we are to think that she is going to call for help but instead she calls, you guessed it!! Jimmy John's!! They bring food to the broken down van and the thugs ask for the number so they can get some too!!! LOL Anyway, it seemed to go very well, but the callbacks are scheduled for after we are already supposed to be back in Texas, so unless something big happens to keep us here, this was pretty pointless. We wouldn't fly back just for a callback. A booking, yes, a callback, NO. So, if he gets a callback, we will have to see how his managers and agent want to handle it. Maybe they can put him on tape for it or something. Or, Keeton said that they recorded the audition today so maybe they could refer back to that, they just wouldn't get to match him back with the family, so it would be really hard for him to book. We we will just have to see! We are up really early tomorrow because our water will be off all day so HOPEFULLY we will have something else going on!! Hope you all are well!! Let us know what's going on with all of you!!** A side note to any of Mrs. Kathy's kiddos!!! We are so happy for you all doing so well at competition!! Keeton says to tell all of you hello and we congratulate you all for all of your hard work!! Good Luck at STATE!!!!! **
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