Monday, March 23, 2009
Today was a day meant to wrap up loose ends. We got pictures of things that we hadn't gotten pictures of, and made a few calls and started packing things up. I don't know HOW we got all of these things here in 2 small suitcases!! It will definitely be a challenge getting it all back in there. I have groceries and odds and ends that we didn't use to give to my cousin. Just lots of loose ends. We are soooo ready to get back home to Rocky and the boys that we can't stand it!! We actually considered trying to get home a day earlier, but thinking that that isn't going to be possible. I suppose, we have waited 6 weeks, so we can probably hold on one more day! It will just crawl on, knowing that we have no auditions to look forward to. This will be our last post until the next time we come to LA. We are discussing that now. His manager is going to have us put his auditions on tape in Dallas and email them to LA as often as possible, but they assured us that we needed to look into a frequent flyer program of some sort because they will have things for him and NEED him back out here if at all possible. They explained that with his voice and his face, he will be busy in the future. This pilot season was VERY SUCCESSFUL for Keeton. We have all the brick work laid out now with an awesome team of agents and managers and an acting coach that were very impressed by him. Patrick Malone (actor/coach) was very excited to see what the future holds for Keeton and shared his thoughts on him with his managers. We know that when we get home we will look into some hip hop style dance classes, just to get him more comfortable with that and that will make him a little more well rounded. We have had a wonderful time and have really gotten our feet wet out here. We will go back to Dallas and hit those auditions hard, with a different outlook on how to audition. His, "out of the box," thinking will really come in handy in all tapings and auditions. We want to thank any and all of you who have cared so much and supported Keeton through Pilot season and this adventure. We couldn't have done it without your phone calls, prayers, texts, IM's and comments!!! We realized how blessed we are to have such amazing people in our lives. Thank you all for everything!!! XOXOXO
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Today was another fun-filled day! Of course there were no auditions, but we did more last minute sightseeing and souvenir buying for our guys back home. We went down Hollywood Blvd and to Grauman's Chinese Theatre and took tons of photos there. We stepped in movie stars footprints and touched where their hands once were. It was really neat to see!! After spending several hours there, we met friends from Keeton's acting class for dinner and Fuddrucker's. Priscilla and Brock were so sweet to put the party together. They had prizes and games such as charades for us to compete against! We all took more pictures there, because with the end of pilot season nearing, many of the kids, including Brock (Colorado) will be heading back home. We will have one more chance to see them at Monday night's class to get email addresses and phone numbers so that we can keep in touch. Everyone in the class calls Keeton "TEXAS." He really eats that up!! We are sooo tired after 3 hours of fun and games there so we are heading off to bed. Love to all! XOXOXO
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Full Day of FUN!
This morning we had a hard time getting up and getting moving. We had brunch and headed to the Grove. For those of you that haven't been there, it is a beautiful outdoor mall. Keeton and I really wanted to make certain that Candy and JT got to see it before going back to Texas. We spent several hours riding the trolley and buying souvenirs in the Farmer's Market. After leaving there, we headed to the LAPD Academy. It was so pretty. It was really old, but well kept and beautiful. It had a rock garden, a tribute to fallen officers, and best of all, it had a gift shop! I got all kinds of goodies for everyone!! From there, we met some officers who let the boys play in their cars and with their batons and and tactical helmets and things...great photo opportunity for us!!! After that, we went to Diddy Reise's for some yummy cookies and brownies and started back towards home. We stopped in Beverly Hills to show Candy and JT a few more things and took even more pictures...Candy is like the papparazzi!!! Anyway, after that, we had had about all that we could take and the kiddos were pooped!! We headed home and the boys swam a little bit while Candy and I visited. Looks like we won't be having anymore auditions while we are here. Already planning our next trip!!! Had a long talk with Keeton's manager's and they are really excited about Keeton's future. They said that when he gets a little older, with his looks and his singing ability, he will really do wonderful things here!!! Thanks again for all of your support!! Can't wait to see you all again!!! XOXOXO
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Feelin' Froggy at the WB

St. Patrick's Day fell FLAT!

Today, we did our usual, wake up and get ready routine...just in case. Yesterday afternoon, we received a call about an audition for today, so we knew we had that one. It wasn't until 3:30 pm. It was an infomercial for Air Hogs motorized toys. Keeton had to hold the remote control and act as if he was flying an airplane and then driving a car, something similar to the picture. Just about any commercial audition, at this point, will be pointless for us, because the callback will be after we are already gone and we wouldn't come back strictly for a callback...a booking, depending on circumstances, possibly, but not a callback. So at this point we are hoping for more theatrical auditions to come our way. We had a little car trouble late in the afternoon when we were heading off for a private lesson with Keeton's acting coach, Patrick, when I realized that we had a flat tire!! UGH! Just what we needed...THANK GOD TRIPLE A COMES WITH OUR RENTAL!!! We were stranded for about an hour and missed our private, but Keeton was able to go to the St. Patrick's Day party at Oakwood and they were having karaoke there! Right up Keeton's alley!! He sang, "Do I make you proud?" -by Taylor Hicks. Everyone loved him and had a fit over his voice! Makes a mom so proud!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!! XOXOXO
Monday, March 16, 2009
Kidz Bop FLOP!
Well, today we woke up and went about our day as usual, just thinking maybe just maybe, Keeton may get a second audition for Kidz Bop...Unfortuanately that didn't happen. It didn't happen for Keeton or any of his friends at our apartment. I knew that Keeton's singing was absolutely strong enough, but his dancing wasn't quite there and I am certain that that is what got him. That's ok, we weren't expecting a call, and if it had happend, it would have just been a nice surprise. Anyway, we did quite a bit of school today, then Keeter took a break with one of his friends, Tre', who is also from Texas, but we didn't meet until we came here. Then we ran to Big Mamma's for a heavenly slice of pizza just in time for Patrick's class. Keeton had to do 2 scenes tonight with two different girls and got great feedback on both. He has been working on these for quite sometime, but having them finally work together was great. One of the girls that he was paired with was just cast in a movie and has worked with the Jonas Brothers. Anyway, that pretty much filled our day. We each had a pomegranite frozen yogurt and did a few more lessons to finish off the evening and then flopped into bed. Keeton has an audition tomorrow. I will wait until then to tell you about it just in case I don't have anything else exciting to write about... :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dance, Dance, Dance...
Today we got up with one thing on our minds..DANCE! Just in case Keeton was able to win over the Kids Bop casting agent with his voice and dancing, we will find out tomorrow and he will have a 2nd audition on Tuesday. They will want to see him sing a 1 minute song and do a one minute dance. We have a few things going on tomorrow, and Lord only knows what else, so we didn't want to wait until we knew for certain, to start preparing something for his dance routine. It was a group effort by his Vocal teacher, Kathy Stephens, thank God for you always come through for us, and Rocky a wonderful husband and father and Candy a dear friend for sending us all the things that we needed, that we should have brought with us in the first place!..Thank you all so much!!! We will let you know if what he did was good enough to spark their interest. In the least, dancing with me in our apartment has gotten his interest enough to take a little hip hop dancing class when we get back home, just for such cases, so that he has a few moves in his back pocket for the future and doesn't feel so awkward and out of place. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Love to you all!

Today was a gloomy but great day! We got up and had a great breakfast with pancakes and bacon. Then we started getting ready for Keeton's first audition. It was for a Subaru commercial. It took us quite awhile to drive over to the agency, and once we got there, it took only a few minutes because there was NOBODY else there!! I think they must have had them spaced out fairly well. All they did was take a few pictures of Keeton. A "Dad" came in as we were leaving and, if I understand correctly, it will be a "Dad" and "Son" only in the commercial. They told me to have Keeton wear something like he would wear to the beach or to the picnic and we had the perfect outfit!! We left there and went home to change his clothes for his Adidas audition that was in Venice. Mileage wise, it was not far at all, but traffic wise....I am soooo glad that we left early! This was a print audition for Adidas shoes and possibly clothing. They had kids do various things from jumping rope, doing push ups, dribbling a basketball, etc. They are looking to advertise for their cross country line and for their basketball line. They looked at Keeton strictly for basketball, not sure why, that is just what I know. All he had to do was to dribble the basketball while they took a few action shots. At first, while watching from a distance, I was a little worried when the basketball hit his big foot and rolled really far away and he had to chase after it, LOL...then he got control of it and looked just as good as the boys who were true basketball players. After that, it took FOREVER to get home, but we finally made it and did a little school and went to the movies to close off our night. WHAT A SATURDAY!!! Miss you all so much! XOXOXO
Friday, March 13, 2009
More Kidz BOP!!
Well, today was pretty productive! Up early, schoolwork, blah, blah, blah...the usual. Then we received an email from the casting director from the Kidz Bop audition, telling us that he missed the part with Keeton dancing, and asking us to resend it, LOL! The reason he missed it is because we didn't have any dancing on there!!!!! Anyone that knows Keeton, knows that he sings beautifully, but D-A-N-C-E...not so much!! This could kill him for this one. It was only a 30 second blip that had to be on there but that had to be the LONGEST 30 seconds of Keeton's life! Anyway, we went back to the studio where they put him on that link, from 2 days ago, and added it on to the ending. I made sure to dress him the same and everything. We will see what happens! If it was good enough, they will email me and invite him for a 2nd audition to be held on Tuesday. Anyway, Keeton has 2 auditions tomorow, WOW! On a Saturday??? Who would have thought?! I will give you that information tomorrow!! Stay tuned!!! XOXOXO
School and skills
Today was a pretty average day. Keeton did lots of schoolwork. He is doing really well. He learned about the amazon rainforest, water vapor, and worked on division and measurement. He had a break after school to play with friends and then he studied his script for his class. We left for Patrick Malone's acting class early in order to make a pit stop at Big Mamma's pizza!! That will be one thing we will miss. For the most part, I can't speak for Keeton, but I know I am ready to come home. California is great, but not without my family!! I think Keet is even starting to miss his brother's a little!! That's a good thing, I think sometimes, they may take one another for granted, because there is ALWAYS someone there to play with. I cannot wait to see all those blue-eyed blondies!!! Can't wait to see what the next few days bring. Stay safe and love to you all! Thank you for reading!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Kidz Bop
So today was another good day! We aren't letting the gloomy weather get us down!!! I hear all of our Texas friends and family are having horrible weather, so I guess we should consider gloomy and 50's lucky!! When we got up this morning we started right into our schoolwork. Still trying to get caught up and pull ahead a little bit. Then we heard about a wonderful possibility for Keeton. Don't know if many of you are familiar with Kidz Bop, willing to bet if you have smaller children then you are. For those of you who aren't, it is a group of children who sing the popular songs of today's artists. Kids love it because other kids are singing it. Sometimes there may be a few choice words in the lyrics and Kidz Bop changes them for the smaller crowd so that they can sing along and the parents don't mind. These kids also make music videos and do photo shoots and a small group of them are chosen to tour. Anyway, we had to submit Keeton to even get him an audition. I am sure that boys and girls are coming out of the woodwork for this opportunity because it is an 18 month contract. We went to a wonderful place called Real to Reel Talent and Alex Pullos worked until we were happy with Keeton's performance. The first one was great, but a huge truck drove by outside and he could hear it on the playback and wasn't happy so we tried again. The next few times were good, but not as great as the 1st. The 5th time ended up being "THE ONE." It was unanimous to all of us that that was the one we wanted to send in for their viewing. All of the submissions have to be in by Saturday the 14th and the actual audition, if he is chosen, is the 17th. If he is chosen, I will tell you more about that process then. I am attaching the link that you can click on that is the actual submission that will be viewed by the Kidz Bop casting agents. He was only able to do one short verse because it couldn't be over 1 minute. Hope you all enjoy it!! We love and miss you all!!! XOXOXO KEEP THOSE PRAYERS GOING AND IT NEVER HURTS TO CROSS YOUR FINGERS AND TOES TOO!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

** A side note to any of Mrs. Kathy's kiddos!!! We are so happy for you all doing so well at competition!! Keeton says to tell all of you hello and we congratulate you all for all of your hard work!! Good Luck at STATE!!!!! **
Frustration is setting in!
Hey guys! I am really feeling the pressure here to bring you something amazing to read about but, "I got NOTHIN!" Mondays normally aren't exciting anyway, but one hoped! Today consisted of a haircut for Keeton and studying a script for his Monday night acting class with Patrick Malone. While getting Keeton's haircut today, he spotted someone that was "famous" also getting her hair cut. Everyone Keeton sees, he thinks is famous, lol. He has seen Brittany Spears walking in the rain all alone, the grandma from Hannah Montana in the laundry room of our apartments, and several other people in odd places, like the men's restroom and things, LOL. However, this girl, even though I didn't know who she was, was!! She and I were talking and she also said how slow this pilot season had been for her and her friends. I guess I should be happy that Keeton has acutally had what he has had, we have had friends that have been out here twice as long as we have and have had 3 auditions in TOTAL! It is just frustrating. We just wait one day to the next and keep on keeping on...I may not keep writing everyday and spare everyone the nodding off. Again, we appreciate all of the support from everyone, it means so much to us. It reminds us daily how blessed we are! XOXOXOXO
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Can I just say ditto for yesterday??? Sorry everyone! It's Sunday and SLOW! Keeton did some school and swam and played all day with friends. I am so happy to see that he is making friends. Where we live, there aren't many children that he has much in common with. Here, there aren't many children that he doesn't have anything in common with, which is really fun for him. I won't bore you anymore on today's little details...PLEASE keep fingers and toes crossed for this week! We really want to get things moving before our time here is through. Thanks again for being such loyal friends and followers of our, not always so interesting, blog!! Love to you all!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Swimming and meeting new friends
I won't try to make today sound interesting...the weekends are usually, slow and boring for any of you to read about. I let the Keeter sleep in this morning, he NEVER gets to do that anymore, because we are always up and ready to go, just in case. Then he got around and went and found friends to play and later, swim with. He actually even saw someone named Austin that he has modeled with at Neiman's in Dallas. They both thought that was pretty cool. Keeton met a girl named Audrey that he is now calling his girlfriend, she is 11. I will try and get a picture of them together and put up on the blog. I haven't gotten to meet her yet. I am not even sure that SHE knows that she is HIS girlfriend, LOL. Keeton just told me that he decided!!! Late this afternoon, after cleaning the apartment, we went out to dinner with our cousin Morgan to celebrate one of his bookings and then came home where Keeton found more friends to hang out with until curfew here, which is 10pm. Sorry there is nothing really to write about, I am hoping that next week picks up...I am already dreading tomorrow's post...UGH! XOXO
Kelsey Grammer is a Pryor?
Hey guys! Well this morning started off with a bang! Keeton got a call and was asked to audition for a TV pilot that had already been picked up by a network. This is a huge thing, because in many cases, even after casting in a pilot, the directors may never be able to sell it and it may never be seen. This pilot is called "Pryors." Keeton auditioned for Henry Pryor. He would be playing the son of Kelsey Grammer. Here is what they sent us about his character...
Henry is an imaginative, goofy, bright-eyed boy with way too much energy in his little body; as Tilly (Mom) says, his teachers call him "hyper-imaginative." Thrilled to think that there just might be some ghosts in his family's new old house, Henry finds that the idea of ghosts is a lot more frightening at night than in the daytime, and comes to his parents' room for some comfort. He's a bit baffled by his dad's method of getting him to go back to sleep, though he's delighted with Maddie's (sister) wry joke on their father.
Keeton Had a great time working on this script. It is really fun and silly!! LOL, actually, this character reminds me a lot of Keeton!!! HIGHLY IMAGINATIVE!!! He had a private with his acting coach, Patrick, at noon...thank goodness he was available at such late notice!! He really helped Keeton to develop this character even more! Now we wait and wait more until the next thing comes along and pick right back up where we left off!! Thanks again for staying with us, we really appreciate all of the comments and we like to hear anything that is going on with any of you as well! On the slow days we miss home a little more so when we know that you are reading, it means so much to know that you are thinking of us!! We miss you all!!!
Henry is an imaginative, goofy, bright-eyed boy with way too much energy in his little body; as Tilly (Mom) says, his teachers call him "hyper-imaginative." Thrilled to think that there just might be some ghosts in his family's new old house, Henry finds that the idea of ghosts is a lot more frightening at night than in the daytime, and comes to his parents' room for some comfort. He's a bit baffled by his dad's method of getting him to go back to sleep, though he's delighted with Maddie's (sister) wry joke on their father.
Keeton Had a great time working on this script. It is really fun and silly!! LOL, actually, this character reminds me a lot of Keeton!!! HIGHLY IMAGINATIVE!!! He had a private with his acting coach, Patrick, at noon...thank goodness he was available at such late notice!! He really helped Keeton to develop this character even more! Now we wait and wait more until the next thing comes along and pick right back up where we left off!! Thanks again for staying with us, we really appreciate all of the comments and we like to hear anything that is going on with any of you as well! On the slow days we miss home a little more so when we know that you are reading, it means so much to know that you are thinking of us!! We miss you all!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thinking Outside the Box!

So today we didn't receive the news we were hoping for about the callback yesterday...Unfortunately, that isn't a good sign. It isn't a definite, but I am almost certain that if it is taping on Sunday or Monday, that with a wardrobe fitting in there somewhere, if they had chosen him, we probably would have heard something today on the commercial...Oh well, I suppose that just means that there is something bigger and better on its way for Keeton! So today was pretty mild as well, we did some schoolwork and Keeton swam. Thank God for heated pools!! It's only in the 60's here all week but I don't think that child would stay out of the pool at any temperature!! Later in the afternoon, he had his Thursday night class with Patrick Malone down in North Hollywood. Patrick has truly started to bring out another actor in Keeton...He really thinks "outside the box" now when we are working on scripts. He will actually use more of the floor and use a chair in the room and stay focused in on his character or characters if he is working with someone instead of shifting his eyes around the room. WOW! What a difference a little training by a professional can make. He has brought up things that we have just never thought about before. Keeton is truly evolving and I am more proud of him each day! Keeton does private lessons with Patrick if he has something big come up or sometimes for just a little is so worth it to see the changes in him! He will even bring me in towards the end of the session as a "producer" to distract Keeton to see if he will stay focused and in character with the person who is reading with him. I am excited to see what else he brings out of him before we leave! One more day until the weekend...fingers and toes are crossed! XOXOXOXO
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Moms and Dads & sisters OH MY!!
So today started out with some schoolwork...yuck, I KNOW, but we are trying to stay on top of it!! Then we got all ready and and headed to Santa Monica in the pouring down rain and traffic with BIG SMILES :) on our faces!! It was Keeton's first callback in CALIFORNIA!! When we got there, I got a better idea of what was happening. There were "mom's and dad's there." They were finishing up, and tons of "sisters" were filing in along with "brothers" (this is where Keeton would come in! Apparently they are casting a family. A mom, dad, sister and a brother for this commercial. There were a lot more sisters than brothers there at the time that we were there, but what it will all come down to is a look and a little luck. Whichever parents they choose, the children will have to match and vice versa. The boys were all so different it was hard to see what they were looking for. There were boys that were shorter than Keeton, blonder than Keeton, darker than Keeton, etc. They were all caucasian but that is about all they had in common. All of the girls were pretty similar with the exception of a few blondies. In the audition, Keeton had to "jump for joy with a smile." Like he was happy to be on a green lawn, is what he said that they told him, lol. He also had to kick the soccer ball around again. That was about it other than talk a little with the 15 or so people that were in the room with him this time. That was about it as far as the callback went. We don't know anything. If he books it, we should know in the next day or so because it shoots the 8th or 9th (depending on the weather). After that, it was raining so we decided to get some chinese take out and head home!!! His fortune cookie said, "When opportunity knocks, answer the door." So I am hoping that means that Mr. Opportunity is going to stop by soon, we will be happy to let him in!!! Love to you all!! We miss you! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hi everyone!! First, I want to say thank you for staying with us in those, not so interesting times. Believe me, it is hard to find something interesting to write about when there is NOTHING AT ALL going on!! HOWEVER, today, something positive happend! We aren't there yet, but...remember last week, Keeton had a commercial audition for Scott's? There were approximately 400 boys that auditioned for the original audition and now they have narrowed it down to an approximate 20. Keeton was one of the 20!! We go back tomorrow for a callback. Here they will take another look and probably have more people there than just the casting agents, like the director and/or producer and maybe someone from Scott's. In the commercial, Keeton is a kiddo playing soccer on a beautiful "Scott's treated" lawn. The callback time is at 3:10 LA time which is 5:10 DFW time, so please be sending those positive vibes this way!!! Thanks again for staying with us through those not so exciting times, each day seems to bring something new!! I will let you know anything as soon as we know!!! XOXOXO
Monday, March 2, 2009
ABC's & 123's
Today started out as a cold and rainy day. So sad after our beautiful 80 degrees yesterday!! We got up early and started on school. We have gotten a little behind with everything that went on last week, so we devoted today to school. However, we were dressed and ready, just in case something came in. We got tons of schoolwork done and I am feeling so much better about that. Unfortunately, the phone didn't ring, and we didn't hear anything about any past auditions, nor did we get any information about any new ones. We had an early dinner and then headed to his Monday night acting class. His acting coach felt that he could handle the older kids class as well as his age class, because he was mature enough and because of the fact that we wouldn't be here very long he was going to push him a little. Keeton actually enjoyed the older class a little better. Anyone that knows Keeton, wouldn't be surprised by that, lol. He just felt that the older kids weren't as silly and got their work done when they split up into scenes instead of goofing around. Keeton is all about BUSINESS!! After class we found a RedBox and rented a movie. Sorry, not very interesting these past few days and no pics for you either. Hopefully, if you stay tuned in and we don't lose you from lack of interest, things will pick up soon!! Love to you all!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sights to See!
Well, this weekend, friends from Sacramento came in to visit us! We went to Ashton Kutcher's restaurant,
"Ketchup," because Joni's neice had seen it on "The Hills" and had to go there. We had seen it several times, it is on Sunset Blvd and we pass it on the way to Keeton's agent's office. It is a really neat place. It is very inexpensive and you can wear anything from blue jeans to sequins. Our waiter, Eddie Finlay, was very nice and immediately took a liking to Keeton. He knew that he had a great personality and fit the mold of someone with a great future in acting. Eddie has been in many movies like Bad Boys II and Fast and the Furious II. While at Ketchup, we also saw Ross Matthews (Ross the Intern) from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He is so nice!! We talked to him and he loves Dallas and wished Keeton good luck with everything. We also spotted a few of the American Idol contestants that are on this season. Then, we went to the closest place that we could find to the HOLLYWOOD sign!! I have some pics in my camera that are stuck there until we get home, but Joni sent me one that I will attach, just to show you how close we were able to get. Joni and Mackenzie left LA about 2:30 and Keeton has been swimming most of the afternoon until he went for ice cream with a friend. We are a little homesick, so hoping we get back to busy this week to keep our minds off of home! Hope that you all have a great week!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Our Kolton is 9!!!!!

PS Rocky, Mom and Dad, thank you for making his birthday so special, we love and miss you all very much!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Model, My Hero!!!

Today was one of the slowest days we have had in a long while. We had to get up early and get ready because water was supposed to be turned off in our building for a water repair until 5pm. Then we headed to a go-see appointment for H&M Print. A Go-see is like an audition, but you go there and they take some "test shots" of you and there are people everywhere of all ages. It is pretty much a mad house. They will tell you that you can come certain days between the hours of this and this. Regular auditions will have a scheduled time, at least within an hour. After that, we had to find a phone store because I was needing a new charger for my phone so we went to this 8 story mall that our GPS took us to. We figured we would look around a little there and maybe take in a movie or something. So, while there, we decide to use the elevator. As the elevator comes to pick us up, the door won't open and there is a woman stuck inside!! We start talking to one another throught a tiny crack in between the doors and without hesitation, Keeton, struggles to pull the doors apart and frees the woman from certain death!!! LOL! The doors wouldn't close or open after, from the picture, you can see that they only opened as far as he pulled. She thanked and thanked him and went on her way and we proceeded to the nearest escalators!!! After that, Keeton swam for several hours with his friend Hunter and then we had dinner with friends that drove in for the weekend from Sacramento. So happy to see a friendly and familiar face! Thanks for coming to visit us, Joni and Mackenzie!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Beveryly Hills 9021.....2???

Hi Everyone!! This is going to be as short and sweet as possible, lol, because we are TIRED! I am trying soo hard to be disciplined in writing this blog every night for all of you and as a keepsake for Keeton one day to look back on. TODAY, up early (DO ALL MY POSTS START THAT WAY???) and went straight to an "Audition" for an animated feature called the Legend of Santa Claus. Keeton had so much fun there because he went into a sound booth and got to talk into a "long skinny weenie mic!" They recorded his voice and sent it by audio file only to the next people in line to hear it. Other voices in this film include Richard Dreyfuss, Zooey Deschanel, and Sarah Silverman to list a few. So here, he is a voice, not a face and that is REALLY ALL THAT MATTERS. No headshot, no resume, nothing. From there we ran home for a private lesson with Patrick Malone for a half hour. He worked with Keeton on the Feature Film script Blindside that is set to star Sandra Bullock. Keeton would be playing her son, if he booked this! Looks like it is going to be a great movie from reading the script!! After he and Patrick worked out the "bugs," we headed to his management company, they wanted to give him any last minute tips and things for the same audition and were pleased with what they saw. From here, we headed to BEVERLY HILLS 90212 for the film audition!! All of this work and he was in there for 4 minutes!!! This character, SJ, is supposed to have a southern accent, which came easy for Keeton, so the casting agent made a comment that he had a great accent for the part! Straight from there we headed to his Thursday night acting class and then ended the night with an enormous piece of MAMMA'S PIZZA!! It was bigger than his chest!!!! What a way to end a great day! We are looking forward to a great night's sleep tonight and ready to see what God has in store for us the next few days.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy!!!
Hey guys! Well, we wanted to be busy and it has officially happend!! We barely have time to catch our breath! This morning we got up and got our early start, as usual here, and continued working on the TV pilot script. Keet had a private coaching lesson at noon. They worked strictly on the pilot. He had to learn 12 pages of dialogue for this audition. He amazes me!! After his coach left we ate a quick lunch and were off to his audition. Keeton and I met 2 actresses from The Young and the Restless that were also auditioning for this pilot. They were really nice and were both recently killed off, lol, so I guess they are looking for new jobs. Anyway, of the 12 pages that Keeton learned, they only had him do 1 scene, which was about 5 pages. You have to be ready, there is no way of knowing. They could have asked for the last scene. Anyway, we went straight home to work on his Feature Film audition material for tomorrow (I will tell you more about that later), but we walk in the door to the apartment and his print agent called and wanted him to come in and take a few snapshots for a submission for a Lands End catalog shoot. We did that and then found a place on the way home for him to get a haircut. While there, they call me again and tell me he has an audition for a voiceover for an animated film! LOL. I didn't even know he was doing voiceover! Everyone would be so proud of him, he is such a pro! He insists on getting everything done first and then play later. He is really turning into a mature little man! Until tomorrow!! Love to everyone!
WOW~ What a DAY!!!

Hey guys! Well, today was a great day!!! For starters, we got an early beginining on school and ate lunch. We had a great meeting with his Agent and headed straight from there to a Scott's Turf Builder Commercial audition (Santa Monica, lol). Keeton had to kick the soccer ball around with another little boy on, what would be, a "beautiful scott's lawn." We got word while at that audition that Keeton has another audition on Thursday for a feature film called Blindside. It is starring Sandra Bullock and will begin filming sometime in April in Atlanta, GA. He also finally got an audition for that television pilot that he has been working on!! That is tomorrow!! He has been a busy boy! I am so proud of him! He works so hard and is so amazing at this! I can't believe how easily he remembers 12 pages of dialogue! Blows my mind!! Smart, talented AND handsome!!! WOW! Things have finally started moving in high speed! Thanks for all of the SWEET thoughts and prayers! They are really helping! XOXOXOXO
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dunkin' Donuts and on screen classes

So this morning we woke early with no plans other than school, school and script. (The same pilot script that he is supposed to be familiarizing himself with). HOWEVER, we were called by his management company to go back to Santa Monica for the 3rd time in 4 days (no I am not complaining, just ironic) for a Dunkin' Donuts commercial audition. What's even more ironic is the fact that my cousin auditioned for this same commercial as the "Dad" on Friday! We were told to have him wear pajamas, and Keeton, at 11, wears shorts and a T-shirt most nights, so we went out and bought him a pair. He was paired with 2 other children who were about 5 or 6 years old and were wild INDIANS in the room. Keeton didn't feel like it went well in there at all because of that. To me, he was too old for the part compared to the other children that were there, but we shall see!
After that and heading home in traffic, he changed in the car, we grabbed a bite and headed to an on screen acting class that was in Sherman Oaks. This was also taught by Patrick Malone. He called today and invited Keeton to it because he felt that he could handle it, even though it was primarily for children 13 and up. It went very well and he invited him back to an even harder class next week!! He is really pushing him and challenging him to make him a stronger actor. Keeton already has an audition tomorrow but you will just have to tune into the blog tomorrow for more information or I may not have anything to write about then! Thanks again for all of your continued support and emails and comments! We love and miss you all! Keep us posted on all of you!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Grounded By The Oscars
Hey!! Well today, Sunday, was pretty uneventful! We went to a brunch served at our Apartments at 11am for starters. Then Morgan, my cousin watched Keeton swim with some friends while I went to an amazing seminar for 12-2:30. Following that, Keeton swam another hour or so and the sky was so gloomy it looked as though it would rain at any moment. We went back to the room and worked a little more on a script that was given to Keeton on Friday for a possible TV pilot audition that may be in the works for him. We watched the Oscars...did anyone see our neighbor, Robert Pattinson??? I DID! Anyway, I cooked some TACOS, at the boys request and then did the mound of dishes (no dishwasher here except for me!) After that, we went back to working on the script. It is 12 pages long so we are really trying to familiarize Keeton with it in case they call him in for it. It is really a cute script. If he gets called in for it, I will tell you more about it then. Anyway, we stayed around here all day for fear of sitting in traffic around town because of the Oscars. It is a mad house around there and has been for the last week!! Keeton is so tired from swimming and I am just tired, so another half hour or so, and we will turn in and be prepared for whatever this week may bring!! Hope all is well with all of you! Love and miss you all!!
Today was a gloomy Saturday in LA, but we woke up early and had some school time to start off our day to try and get a jump on the week. Then we got Keeton all primped and ready to head to Santa Monica for his headshots with Mitch Fields. He shot for a solid 2 hours with Keeton and I am DYING to see those pics!!!! I really think it is going to be hard to choose, which is a great problem to have! They were really playing off of one another and having fun and I am pretty sure that they are going to be GREAT! Did I mention that Keeton had a GREAT HAIR DAY??? LOL! I was so glad, the clothes were another story, but the hair was GOOD! Other than that, we checked out a few hotels for some friends that are coming into town next weekend from San Francisco to visit and went grocery shopping. Hope everything is well with all of you! Keep us posted on anything going on in your lives and we appreciate any comments because we miss everyone so very much!!! We don't want to miss anything going on back home!! XOXOXOXO
Saturday, February 21, 2009
$5 Footlongs!!!

WOOHOO!! Keeton had his first audition!!! SUBWAY! 400 children also auditioned for the ONE spot, but he got his feet wet now and is ready to go! Things are done so differently here, it is so strange! It is shooting on March 4th and 5th so if he were to book, I would think that we would hear something fairly soon, but we know not to get our hopes up. Just glad to be going on something.
The rest of our day was shopping. Keeton was not excited, LOL. We had to go get him more clothes for his new headshots that are being taken tomorrow...This weekend should be fairly uneventful other than working on some sides (lines) that he was given to familiarize himself with, doing school for the upcoming week and having fun with friends. That's about it for today, love to you all, from both of us!
The rest of our day was shopping. Keeton was not excited, LOL. We had to go get him more clothes for his new headshots that are being taken tomorrow...This weekend should be fairly uneventful other than working on some sides (lines) that he was given to familiarize himself with, doing school for the upcoming week and having fun with friends. That's about it for today, love to you all, from both of us!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Acting Class
Hey guys! Well another day has passed and unfortunately no auditions have come Keeton's way...We had a meeting with a guy, Mitch Fields, he is going to be doing his headshots on Saturday, and we are excited and a little nervous about that. We really love the ones we have now and want to love the new ones equally as well. We also saw our first movie star, lol. Garrett Morris, from SNL. He actually lives where we live and was standing a foot from us!!! Keeton didn't have a clue but he came up next to me at the desk and asked if anyone had turned in a wallet because he had lost his!!! I almost fell out, lol. I bet he has some serious cash in it! Poor guy. If the name doesn't ring a bell, I know his face would, if you EVER watched the show back in the day when Chevy Chase, Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy were on. Anyway, we spoke a few words and then moved on. The man playing Edward, Robert Pattinson in the new Twilight movie also lives here, but I haven't been fortunate enough to run into him yet. He lives in our building though! So, Keeton went to his first acting class with Patrick Malone, who is also a famous actor who has been on A Different World, Desperate Housewives, Sister Act, Everybody Hates Chris just to name a few and just finished up a film called Legend of Hell's Gate. He is from Snyder, Texas, super nice man! He really saw something special in Keeton and doesn't feel like we will be leaving when we are scheduled to leave, LOL....not sure about all that, but his words after that were, "the kid's got something!" Keeton will be with him each Thursday night. That's about it for today, fingers crossed for tomorrow!!! XOXOXOXO
How about a little Salsa???

Ok, sorry for the later blog on this one, we moved yesterday and I couldn't get our internet working until this morning!! This place is a BILLION times better for Keeton!! He is sooo happy! He could meet anyone, anywhere, so, while moving in, he was making friends right and left. So during our down time, he is going to have fun! So about 45 minutes after we actually roll our suitcases into our room, we are told that in the main clubhouse they are having ballroom dancing for the kids (they have something almost nightly). It was being taught by Brian Fortuna from Dancing with the Stars!!! For all you fans, like me, he is even cuter in person!!! The pics, and yes, I even got video are in my actual camera, not phone, so I won't be able to post those, sorry. A friend sent me a few so I will post these. Anyway, in the beginning, Keeton was dead set against it...NO! I encouraged him to go for fun and to meet some people and he was SOOOO HAPPY HE DID! There were 21 girls and 6 boys! LOL :) He did really great and even thanked me for enouraging him!! I have to tell you the funniest story...Keeton has a friend here named, Hunter. He is with the Dallas agency. After the class, we took them swimming and they met 2 "Meagan's in the pool...After "flirting awhile, the 11 year old Meagan asked Keeton, "what do you like to do?" Keeton said, " well, I play baseball, sing, and act and tonight, I learned to do the SPICE, LMAO!!!! (He meant the SALSA) The girls had been in the class with him and just giggled!!
The new place is great and we have a meeting today at 2pm...I will write again tonight late with all of today's highlights...Thanks for reading!
The new place is great and we have a meeting today at 2pm...I will write again tonight late with all of today's highlights...Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Santa Monica Pier

So, up this morning for a meeting with Keeton's management company to discuss several things to get the ball rolling. New headshots, (his are 16 months old), his new agents, changes to his resume, and various different things that I had on my list. It was a great meeting, they, again were on their toes, making calls and sending emails and getting things done right and left...Keeton's new agents had to get his pictures to place them online with their other talent to start putting them out there, so that was one of the things that was done while we were in the office. ANYWAY...
We found a better place since we got out to LA that we really wanted to move to because Keeton has NO CHILDREN to play with here. There are more like welders and union workers staying where we are, lol. Although, Keeton can make friends with anyone, we found a place that has tons of actor children and a heated pool and acting classes on site, etc, so with our week ending tomorrow, we check out tomorrow and move from Burbank to LA...only about 12 minutes or so, about 3 minutes from Warner Brothers Studios. After that was decided, Morgan picked us up and we took Keeton to Santa Monica pier. It is really pretty there, with a few rides and restaurants (ie., Bubba Gump Shrimp, see picture attached!!) and fun things to do. Keeton actually rode this ENORMOUS Ferris wheel (Keeton is afraid of heights, so this was a BIG step). HE LOVED IT...LOL, but didn't want to do it again, hee hee... That was about all for today....Except for SKIPBO of course :)
We found a better place since we got out to LA that we really wanted to move to because Keeton has NO CHILDREN to play with here. There are more like welders and union workers staying where we are, lol. Although, Keeton can make friends with anyone, we found a place that has tons of actor children and a heated pool and acting classes on site, etc, so with our week ending tomorrow, we check out tomorrow and move from Burbank to LA...only about 12 minutes or so, about 3 minutes from Warner Brothers Studios. After that was decided, Morgan picked us up and we took Keeton to Santa Monica pier. It is really pretty there, with a few rides and restaurants (ie., Bubba Gump Shrimp, see picture attached!!) and fun things to do. Keeton actually rode this ENORMOUS Ferris wheel (Keeton is afraid of heights, so this was a BIG step). HE LOVED IT...LOL, but didn't want to do it again, hee hee... That was about all for today....Except for SKIPBO of course :)
Monday....Finally made it through a RAINY WEEKEND!!!
Hey everyone, still not a lot going on here. Being President's day, just about everything was closed that had to do with acting...HOWEVER, I did hear back from a famous actor/coach named Patrick Malone. He played in Sister Act and A Different World, just to name a few of my favorites. I was given his name by Keeton's agent to enroll him in some acting classes for fun while we were here. He is sooo nice...A TEXAN...go figure! Keeton starts this Thursday night, so he is looking forward to that. Anyway, we went grocery shopping in the pouring down rain, which was interesting. Then my cousin joined us for some much needed Tex-Mex and a hilarious movie called Mall Cop. Just a side note, if you haven't been here before, the malls are CRAZY!! They are like regular malls, but I was freezing and realized that there was no roof!! It was completely open!! SO WEIRD!! Would be nice in the sunshine, but when it started sprinkling and it's cold, not so cool. We came back after that and played skipbo, then Keeton crashed, as I sit and look at him while I type this blog. I hope you all had a wonderful extended weekend and hopefully something more interesting then SKIPBO will happen this week...Love to you all!! XOXOXO
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday...Friends and Fun
After yesterday, Keeton and I knew that we HAD to get out of this place or we would go nuts! We were lucky to have some mutual friends call us and ask us over for dinner! Carrie (the mom) has a 12 year old son, Tre' in the business that are here for the same reasons. After we did 2 days worth of school, that put us really ahead, we headed over for dinner and games and visiting. Keeton and Tre' really seemed to hit it off and even went swimming in a heated pool!! IT WAS 40 DEGREES OUTSIDE...I DON'T CARE HOW HEATED!!! It was really nice for Keet to have another kiddo to play with and me an adult to talk to. We stayed really late playing games...fairly uneventful, but I promised to write as often as possible...EXCITED TO SEE WHAT THE WEEK BRINGS....
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Days 1, 2, 3 & 4 in a nutshell...(a large one)
Hey everyone!! I am new to blogging, so this first entry will be lengthy until I catch up and for that I am sorry. With the outpouring of interest in what we are doing and how things are going day to day, I thought this would be a great way to share a little each day or so. Thank you again for everything, without all of your love and support being here in LA would be very hard for Keeton and I without the rest of our family. Again, thank you all, Rocky, Keeton and I appreciate each and every call and thought and prayer from you. Love to you all!!
Day 1 Feb 11th Wednesday-Leaving that curb from the airport was about the hardest thing I think I have ever had to do....I wanted to do this for Keeton, but I also didn't want to leave my kiddos or my hubby there...bitter sweet, I suppose. A luggage man pretty much took us under his wing and got us checked in. After getting on the plane, there was NO turning back and I was feeling better and excited and nervous too. I haven't ever done anything like this without Rocky. After arriving, we got our rental car, something just a tad larger than a go cart and headed to Burbank towards our temporary home. We had a meeting scheduled later that day at 4:30 with his management company. My cousin, Morgan, who lives here, picked us up just after throwing our bags into the room and we headed to the meeting. We loved the managers, again, and it just made us feel better about signing with them. We signed all of the contracts and paperwork and they were really on their toes. They gave Keeton a script for a pilot to start looking over for a future audition. After wrapping up there we went for a nice dinner and bought some groceries (expensive ones, lol) and much needed cleaning supplies. Went home and cleaned and pretty much turned in for the night!
Day 2 Feb12 Thursday
Headed straight to the work permit office to get Keeton's work permit, fed the parking meter several dollars, only to find they were closed. WITHOUT THAT PERMIT>>>We might as well come on home. Nobody knew why they were closed so we headed downtown and paid another parking meter $3 for an hour to find a note stating that they were also closed for Lincoln's 200th birhtday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINCOLN! However that messed up several of our plans, lol. IS THAT NOT WHAT WE HAVE PRESIDENT'S DAY FOR??? Anyway...we headed home to wait for a commercial agent meeting at 5. Things apparently are opened much later here. The meeting was good, we waited longer than he was actually in there, but he seemed to be impressed with Keeton. Now we wait to hear from the managers for their decision. Dinner, skipbo, bedtime.
Day3 Friday Feb13
Headed (Again) straight to the work permit office WOOHOO! GOT IT! Then to a meeting with a Print Agent which I really liked. Again we wait for word. Then we went to set up a meeting at a place called SAG/Aftra credit union which is sooooo coool. This is called a Coogan account. It was started by Jackie Coogan. He played Uncle Fester on The Adams Family. As a child Actor, his parents took and spent all of his money! So this is for CA law. I wish it was everywhere. Anything that is SAG/AFTRA that Keeton makes 15% off of the top goes into this account before the check ever even comes to him. I wish it was higher, but we can send more. He nor we or anyone can touch it until he is 18 years old. Not sure 18 is old enough, but that is the age on the law. Later that day, we were given word that Keeton was signed by both agents and that was great news! He now offically has 3 agents and a team of managers!! OK...That about catches us up to today!
BORED, lol, watched TV, Got way ahead on schoolwork. I am homesick because we aren't busy and I made this blog. I will try to write each day now so that there isn't so much writing. Again, thanks for caring!!
Day 1 Feb 11th Wednesday-Leaving that curb from the airport was about the hardest thing I think I have ever had to do....I wanted to do this for Keeton, but I also didn't want to leave my kiddos or my hubby there...bitter sweet, I suppose. A luggage man pretty much took us under his wing and got us checked in. After getting on the plane, there was NO turning back and I was feeling better and excited and nervous too. I haven't ever done anything like this without Rocky. After arriving, we got our rental car, something just a tad larger than a go cart and headed to Burbank towards our temporary home. We had a meeting scheduled later that day at 4:30 with his management company. My cousin, Morgan, who lives here, picked us up just after throwing our bags into the room and we headed to the meeting. We loved the managers, again, and it just made us feel better about signing with them. We signed all of the contracts and paperwork and they were really on their toes. They gave Keeton a script for a pilot to start looking over for a future audition. After wrapping up there we went for a nice dinner and bought some groceries (expensive ones, lol) and much needed cleaning supplies. Went home and cleaned and pretty much turned in for the night!
Day 2 Feb12 Thursday
Headed straight to the work permit office to get Keeton's work permit, fed the parking meter several dollars, only to find they were closed. WITHOUT THAT PERMIT>>>We might as well come on home. Nobody knew why they were closed so we headed downtown and paid another parking meter $3 for an hour to find a note stating that they were also closed for Lincoln's 200th birhtday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINCOLN! However that messed up several of our plans, lol. IS THAT NOT WHAT WE HAVE PRESIDENT'S DAY FOR??? Anyway...we headed home to wait for a commercial agent meeting at 5. Things apparently are opened much later here. The meeting was good, we waited longer than he was actually in there, but he seemed to be impressed with Keeton. Now we wait to hear from the managers for their decision. Dinner, skipbo, bedtime.
Day3 Friday Feb13
Headed (Again) straight to the work permit office WOOHOO! GOT IT! Then to a meeting with a Print Agent which I really liked. Again we wait for word. Then we went to set up a meeting at a place called SAG/Aftra credit union which is sooooo coool. This is called a Coogan account. It was started by Jackie Coogan. He played Uncle Fester on The Adams Family. As a child Actor, his parents took and spent all of his money! So this is for CA law. I wish it was everywhere. Anything that is SAG/AFTRA that Keeton makes 15% off of the top goes into this account before the check ever even comes to him. I wish it was higher, but we can send more. He nor we or anyone can touch it until he is 18 years old. Not sure 18 is old enough, but that is the age on the law. Later that day, we were given word that Keeton was signed by both agents and that was great news! He now offically has 3 agents and a team of managers!! OK...That about catches us up to today!
BORED, lol, watched TV, Got way ahead on schoolwork. I am homesick because we aren't busy and I made this blog. I will try to write each day now so that there isn't so much writing. Again, thanks for caring!!
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